The Study of Stress and stress management by recreational activities among the members of Nong Krathum Elderly Club, Kamphaeng Saen District Nakhon Pathom

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Nannicha Singhadetwerachai
Sawanya Thama-apipol


The objectives of this  research were (1) to study the level of stress and the causes of stress among the members of Baan Elderly Club, Nong Krathum Sub-district, Kamphaeng Saen District, Nakhon Pathom Province, and (2) to study stress management by recreational activities of the members of Baan Nong Krathum Elderly Club, Nong Krathum Sub-district, Kamphaeng Saen District, Nakhon Pathom Province. The methodology was conducted by distributing copies of questionnaires to the sample pf 300 members of Baan Nong Krathum Elderly Club as well as in-depth interviews and observations of president, vice president, and secretary, and members of Baan Nong Krathum Elderly Club, totaling 15 people. Quantitative data collected were then analyzed using statistics, including percentage, mean and standard deviation, meanwhile qualitative data were analyzed using in-depth interviews and observations. The results of this study indicated that overall stress of Baan Nong Krathum Elderly Club members was at the lowest level with a mean of 1.80. When individual aspects were considered, an aspect with the highest level was physical stress, followed by economic stress, and social stress, respectively, with mean values ​​of 1.96, 1.91, and 1.78, respectively. The most commonly cause of stress was health such as knee pain, leg pain, rheumatism and deteriorated physical condition, followed by economic stress, which was characterized by insufficient income for daily use, occupation of farmers raising dairy cows, pigs and chickens. Lastly, the members encountered social stress. The members of Baan Nong Krathum Elderly Club were able to handle with social changes and ready to learn and adapt themselves to present social situation. When stress management by recreation activities was considered, it was found that the members of Baan Nong Krathum Elderly Club managed their stress by relying on recreation activities such as exercise, Ram Mai Plong dancing, karaoke singing, electone playing, tourism activities, and various health education activities.  

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How to Cite
Singhadetwerachai, N. ., & Thama-apipol, S. . (2021). The Study of Stress and stress management by recreational activities among the members of Nong Krathum Elderly Club, Kamphaeng Saen District Nakhon Pathom. Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok Social Science Journal, 10(2), 44–51. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biographies

Nannicha Singhadetwerachai, Silpakorn University

Faculty of Management Science

Sawanya Thama-apipol, Silpakorn University

Faculty of Management Science


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