Approaching management of safety in the Bike Patrol Volunteer

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Pathomphon Sriamphan
Pongpitsanu Pakdeenarong
Krisanaphong Poothakool
Dithapart Borwornchai


The purpose of this qualitative research was to describe the condition and approaching management of safety in the bike patrol volunteer. Data were ethically by used 12 in-depth interviews, a bike patrol volunteer, police with direct experience in supervising and planning the work of bike patrol volunteer, cycling specialist and emergency medical personal with expertise in cycling accidents. The results of the research study are as follows: 1. The problem and obstruction of Bicycle  Patrol Volunteers as follow. 1) The lack of organizational support to make project such as equipment and budget. 2) Environmental insecurity for ride the bicycle. 3) The scope of Bicycle patrol volunteers’s duty is under limitation of law. 4) The readiness of Bicycle patrol volunteers. 5) The difference of Bicycle patrol volunteers patterns in each area. 6)Bicycle patrol volunteers lack of skills and knowledge to help Police bicycle patrol. 2. Approaching management of safety in the bike patrol volunteer as follows: 1) Policy Formulation 2) Plan on working process 3) Training and development 4) Performance review about assessment of safety management process. From qualitative data collection found that the bicycle patrol volunteers guidelines as follows: 1) Ride bicycle on public place namely use the mountain bike, uniform, necessary equipment, basic skills, individual drill with bicycle, bicycle maintenance, including physical preparation and basic nutrition. 2) Patrol bicycle riding namely equipment and patrol process, incident action plan, bicycle response team and including law. 3) Emergency operation namely bicycle response team, situational assessment, first aid, equipment and position in emergency situations, communication devices, situation management and safety including coordination to related institution for referral care.


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How to Cite
Sriamphan, P. ., Pakdeenarong, P. ., Poothakool , K. ., & Borwornchai, D. . (2022). Approaching management of safety in the Bike Patrol Volunteer. Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok Social Science Journal, 11(1), 79–90. retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biographies

Pathomphon Sriamphan, Royal Police Cadet Academy

Security Management Faculty of Police Science

Pongpitsanu Pakdeenarong, Royal Police Cadet Academy

Security Management , Faculty of Police Science

Krisanaphong Poothakool , Royal Police Cadet Academy

Security Management , Faculty of Police Science

Dithapart Borwornchai, Royal Police Cadet Academy

Security Management , Faculty of Police Science


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