Factors Affecting the Strength of Community Kokert
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This Research aims to study 1. How personal factors that affect the strength of the community. 2. The performance of community leaders affect the strength of the community. 3. The environmental factors affecting the strength of the community. The samples of this study were 375 populations who live in AmporePakkret,Nontaburi. Used random sampling data analyed by Taro Yamane. The instrument were data collection for frequencies percenty mean And for testing hypotheses in order to find out the relationship between the factors that affect the strength of the island community. Amphoe Pak kret, Nonthaburi.Analyzed by pearson correlation cofficient hypothesis thesis : independent sample T-test and one-way ANOVA at statistically significant level of 0.05
Results of the Research
1. Factors affecting the strength of community, Ko kret, Amphoe Pak kret, Nonthaburi. The overall level was at a high level (`x = 3.74)
2. The relationship between the personal factors, with the strength of community, Kokret, AmphoePakkret, Nonthaburi,include gender, age, education level, occupation, monthly income. What is the status of personal factors, found that people in the community, Ko kret, Amphoe Pak kret, Nonthaburi? Most are correlated with the strength of community, Ko kret, Amphoe Pak kret, Nonthaburi, thus accepting the assumption via the research exception, age, occupation, monthly income that is not correlated with the strength of community, Ko kret, Amphoe Pak kret, Nonthaburi.So it rejected the way the research hypothesis
3. The relationship between the effectiveness of the operational leader with a strong sense of community. PakKret Nonthaburi Found that the effectiveness of the performance of the leader’s relationship with a strong community of Koh Kret. Pak Kret Nonthaburi All the statistical significance level. 0.05 is in the same direction. A relationship positive. 4. The relationship between environmental factors and the strength of the island community. Pak Kret Nonthaburi Found that factors environmental factors correlated with the strength of the island community. Pak Kret Nonthaburi All the statistical significance level. 0.05 is in
the same direction. A relationship positive
Article Details
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