Participation in The Crime Prevention Notification of The Professional Driving of Fixed-Route Taxi in Chokchai Police Station Area

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Alongkorn Klung-Ngern
Saowathan Phoglad


The study titled “Participation in the crime prevention notifications of the professional driving of fixed-route taxi in Chokchai police station area”. The objective is to study the participation of professionals driving a fixed-route taxi in crime notifications in the Chokchai Metropolitan Police Station area in order to improve the prevention of crime in the community more efficiently. The questionnaires are used as a tool to collect demographic data. The sample groups are the professional driving of fixed-route taxi in the Chokchai Police Station area 100 people using a purposive sampling method and computerized data analysis. The statistics data represent percentages, averages, and standard
deviations. The result of an understanding of crime notification found that they had a moderate
level of understanding in crime notification (68.0 percentage). In contrast, involvement in crime
reporting is characterized by five aspects of participants reported that they had a low level of
participation in planning (60.0 percentage). The participation in decision-making was at a low level
(52.0 percentage). The participation in crime reporting operations was at a low level (51.0 percentage). While the participation in interests of crime reporting was at a high level and participation in the assessment of crime reporting was at a high level, which have same score. (43.0 percentage) The suggestions from this study are divided into policy recommendations and practical recommendations, with the main policy recommendations as followed : the National Police or other government agencies
should have policies to support crime prevention in the community by increasing the level of
participation and positive attitudes in public reporting of crimes to government officials. by
developing a system for reporting incidents and clues so that people can access services easily,
conveniently and quickly. The second section for practical recommendations, both theoretical and
practical training should be provided to enhance skills and ability to report crimes. Additional
publicity to educate the public on the principles of observing and remembering incidents and villains. How to report crimes that should be reported It also supports participation in community crime prevention so that people can work with the police to report crimes. Provide necessary materials and equipment to support crime reporting. The recommendations for the next research to widen the scope of the study to be comprehensive can be applied to greater benefit.

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How to Cite
Klung-Ngern, A. ., & Phoglad, S. . (2022). Participation in The Crime Prevention Notification of The Professional Driving of Fixed-Route Taxi in Chokchai Police Station Area. Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok Social Science Journal, 11(1), 103–115. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biographies

Alongkorn Klung-Ngern, Thammasat University

Criminal Justice Administration Major, Faculty of Social Administration

Saowathan Phoglad, Thammasat University

Criminal Justice Administration Major, Faculty of Social Administration


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