Motivation Factor Affecting Work Effectiveness of Personnel Attached to Muang Udon Thani Municipality, Udon Thani Province

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Theerawat Hinkaew


The purposes of this study were to study 1) to study the motivation for the performance of personnel in Udon Thani Municipaltiy, Udon Thani Province 2) to study the effectiveness of personnel work in Udon Thani Municipality, Udon Thani Province  and 3) to study the performance motivation influencing the efficiency of personnel in Udon Thani Municipality, Udon Thani Province. The population of the study was 1,277 people and 295 people for the sample who were selected using Krejcie & Morgan’s table. The research tools was Likert’s five rating scale questionnaire. The data received were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation. The statistics used to test the hypothesis is multiple linear regression analysis. The research found that 1) the motivation for the performance of personnel in Udon Thani Municipalty, Udon Thani Province found that influencing factors was at a highest level  which presented the mean at 4.71 . Therefore, every section which received highest to lowest scores were demonstrated respectively. Firstly, responsibility section showed a highest level and presented the mean at 4.83.Secondly,the nature of the work performed section showed a highest level and presented the mean at 4.78. Thirdly, the aspect of being respected section showed a highest level and presented the mean at 4.70. Fourthly, the success at work section showed a highest level and presented the mean at 4.63. Lastly, career advancement section showed a highest level and presented the mean at 4.62. The motivation for the performance of personnel in Udon Thani Municipality, Udon Thani Province found that supporting factors was at a high level  which presented the mean at 4.02. Therefore, every section which received highest to lowest scores were demonstrated respectively. Firstly, the relationship between people in the agency showed a highest level and presented the mean at 4.79. Secondly, security in operation section showed a highest level and presented the mean at 4.72. Thirdly, salary and wage section showed a high level and presented the mean at 4.05. Fourthly, working environment section showed a high level and presented the mean at 4.00. Lastly, policy and administration section showed a moderate  level and presented the mean at 2.54. 2) the effectiveness of personnel work in Udon Thani Municipality, Udon Thani Province in overall aspect at high level and presented the mean at 4.73. Therefore, every section which received highest to lowest scores were demonstrated respectively. Firstly, person’s attitude showed a highest level and presented the mean at 4.79. Secondly, individual image production showed a highest level and presented the mean at 4.79. Thirdly, performance showed a highest level and presented the mean at 4.73. Fourthly, stress showed a highest level and presented the mean at 4.73. Fifthly, intention to resign showed a high level and presented the mean at 4.05. Lastly, absenteeism showed a high level and presented the mean at 4.01. And    3) The level of work motivation had a great influence on the work effectiveness of personnel in Udon Thani Municipality, Udon Thani Province had statistical significance at the 0.05 level.

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How to Cite
Hinkaew, T. (2023). Motivation Factor Affecting Work Effectiveness of Personnel Attached to Muang Udon Thani Municipality, Udon Thani Province . Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok Social Science Journal, 12(2), 127–144. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Theerawat Hinkaew, วิทยาลัยพิชญบัณฑิต

Faculty of Business Adminitration


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