An Analysis of the Eulogy Literature for King Rama III of Nai Mee

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Satid Tanboon


      This article presented an analysis of the eulogy literature for King Rama III of Nai Mee. It was found that the eulogy literature for King Rama III of Nai Mee composing 522 poems by bringing some episodes came from events that have actually been seen. The results can be summarized as follows:     1) In part of the art of using languages in literary works in honor of Nai Mee, there were four different methods of proposing the monarchy, namely, the use of simile, the use of metaphor, the use of hyperbole and the use of symbols. 2) In social and cultural conditions in the reign of King Rama III in eulogy literature for King Rama III of Nai Mee, which has reflected social and cultural conditions, architecture, country preservation and major events such as famines, floods, fires. In part of folkloristics, there was beliefs about sacred things, angels, ghosts, demons. Buddhist beliefs such as the law of Karma, the impermanence of the body. The cycle of birth, merit making, listening to sermons. Value parts including the values of loyalty to the King, honesty values, values in gratitude, values in humility and values in education. It also played a role as a composition used in eulogy for the king.


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How to Cite
Tanboon, S. (2023). An Analysis of the Eulogy Literature for King Rama III of Nai Mee. Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok Social Science Journal, 12(1), 113–125. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Satid Tanboon, Bunditpatanasilpa institute

Chanthaburi College of Dramatic Arts, 


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