Guidelines for promoting safe drug use behavior among the elderly with chronic diseases in Kamphaeng Phet Province

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sadanan obchoei


This research aims to the knowledge of drug use among the elderly with chronic diseases. the drug use behavior of the elderly with chronic diseases. 3.set guidelines for promoting safe drug use behavior among the elderly with chronic diseases in the Kamphaeng Phet Province conducting research in 2 steps: Step 1: Study knowledge and drug use behavior of elderly people with chronic diseases in Kamphaeng Phet Province. The population was elderly people aged 60 years and over who have chronic diseases living in Kamphaeng Phet Province. Sample group be an elderly person aged 60 years and over who had the following chronic diseases:             1.Hypertention 2.Diabetes 3.Heart and blood vessel disease 4.chronic kidney disease or had any kind of chronic disease residing in Kamphaeng Phet Province, 375 people. Data were collected using a knowledge test. Data were analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.  Step 2: To determine guidelines for promoting safe drug use behavior among elderly people with chronic diseases in Kamphaeng Phet Province. There were 17 informants, consisting of 1. Public health personnel 2. Elderly caretakers. Data were collected using a structured interview. Data were analyzed by content analysis. Important results of the research found that: 1. Overall, the knowledge of drug used among the elderly with chronic diseases was at a high level. 2. The drug used behavior of the elderly with chronic diseases was at a high level. Overall, drug used behavior was at a good level. 3. Guidelines for promoting safe drug used behavior among elderly people with chronic diseases. Found guidelines that should be used include: Promoting caregivers talked to the elderly more giving adviced on medication used and organizing activities for seniors with good drug used behavior to became outstanding seniors.

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How to Cite
obchoei, sadanan. (2023). Guidelines for promoting safe drug use behavior among the elderly with chronic diseases in Kamphaeng Phet Province. Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok Social Science Journal, 12(2), 74–83. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

sadanan obchoei, Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University

Administration and Development Strategy, Faculty of Education, 


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