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Poohdith Prakithonrungsee


The installation process of Compressed Natural Gas (hereinafter “CNG”) components and equipment in vehicles, has no standard to adequately cover the operations, resulting in the consumer facing non-standardized installation issues. Results of the study find that the Ministerial Regulation Stipulate on Components and Equipment of CNG fuel system Act B. E. 2550 (2007), gives no clear-cut definition of the term, “Qualified Installer.” There has been no stipulation, neither the standard of installation building, nor exact qualifications of the qualified installer, nor adequate safety standard management, nor liability, nor penalty measure (both civilly and criminally), with respect to the damage consequently arising inspections and testing measures.

In this respect, this thesis has proposed that the Ministerial Regulation Stipulate the Components and Equipment of the CNG Fuel System Installation Act B. E. 2550 (2007) should be revised in reference to the virtue of the Department of Land Transportation by stipulating the establishment of the installation building, amending the verbiage regarding the standard and the term be amended in the Engineers Act, B.E 2542 (1999), by specifying the penalty provision as the liability for the punishment of a fine or imprisonment if the qualified engineer refrains from the duty of inspection and testing.

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