Judicial Assistance for Arbitration under Section 14 of Thai Arbitration Act B.E. 2545

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Pataramon Pimpapatanayotin


International Commercial Arbitration has become one of the most favored dispute resolution methods in this era with an increasingly globalized world economy. One of the most significant benefits is the neutrality of the forum, which means the ability to stay out of the other party’s court.

Judicial assistance is proven to be crucial to every aspect of the arbitral proceeding. Although arbitration is a private system of justice in which parties may design their own arbitral proceeding, it is still governed by law, usually by the law of the seat of the arbitration, or the law chosen by parties to govern the agreement.

The question of what law applies to determine the validity of the international arbitration agreement is still debatable among practitioners and academics. However, in order to promote international arbitration in Thailand, under section 14 of Thai Arbitration Act B.E.2545 courts should apply Article V(1)(a) of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1959) to the case.

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