Author Guidelines

The followings are guidelines for those wishing to submit an article for publication in TWE


TWE welcomes submissions in three categories:

  1. Research articles - Full reports of research projects including background, theoretical frameworks/literature survey, methodology and data, results, conclusions and policy inferences.

Manuscript should be approximately 8,000 – 15,000 words, including references and appendix. An abstract should not be longer than 250 words. 

  1. Book reviews - Reports provide a comprehensive summary or review of a newly-published economics-related books. Reviewer(s) for a newly published book are usually selected by the journal’s editorial team. However, independent submissions are also welcome. Manuscript should not exceed 1,000-3,000 words.


  1. Language of publication: English
  2. Manuscript style: APA Style 6th Edition
  3. Manuscript length:

         - Research articles - 8,000 – 15,000 words (including references and appendix)

         - Book reviews - 1,000 – 3,000 words

  1. Manuscript format:
  • Manuscripts must be typed with double spacing on one side of A4 size paper.
    Paper setup should be – top 1.5 botton 1.8 L/R 1.4
    English Font Style – Time New Roman size: 12
  • Sections: Section headings should be numbered in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.), while sub-section headings should follow the double numeration system (1.1, 1.2, etc.). All headings are to be left-aligned and in bold.
  • Illustrations: Figures and tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals and accompanied by titles in the manuscript. Figures must be of professional quality and be ready for reproduction. The source of the table, if any, must be quoted below the table.
  • Footnotes: The use of footnotes should be minimized but may be used to give additional information wherever required. This may include citations of a reference included in the list of references. However, they must not comprise the whole of the references. Footnotes to the text should be numbered consecutively, while those to tables should be assigned using superscript lower-case letters. Numbers of footnotes must be superscripted, placed at the end of a word or sentence where relevant. Footnotes must be listed at the bottom of each page.
  • References: Authors should follow the 6th edition of American Psychological Association style (APA) Style 6th Edition)
  • In the text, references to publications should follow this convention: "Smith (1998) reported that" or "This problem was noted in previous studies (Taylor, 1995; Jones, 1992)". If the list contains more than one item published by the same author(s) in the same year, add lower case letters after the year (e.g. 1991a).
    • A list of references is to be provided at the end of the text, in accordance with the following format:  Last name of Author, First name (year). Title of work. Location: Publisher. Referencing in manuscripts must follow the style of APA (American Psychological Association). Details of such referencing can be consulted at
  • Mathematical notations: All equations should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. Whenever possible, fractions should be expressed as (x/y)  
  1. Template of article:

      5.1 Title – The title should be concise and clearly reflect the content of the article.

      5.2 Author(s) - The first and last name of the author(s) should be provided along with the institutions. However, since the blind review process is adopted, the names of the author should be in a separate file. See SUBMISSION section.

      5.3 Abstract – An abstract should summarize the article, objectives of the study, methodology, findings and discussion in not exceed 250 words.  Keywords and JEL code should be included.

      5.4 Text – The text should be divided into sections as guiled in the manuscript format.

      5.5 Acknowledgement – This could address sources of research funding and assistance from an organization or personal support.  Acknowledgement is placed at the end of the conclusion section.

      5.6 References - Authors should follow the 6th edition of American Psychological Association style (APA) Style 6th Edition) for the article, including references as guiled in the manuscript format

      5.7 Appendix (if available)