Peer Review Process

There are four steps within the peer review process for the Thailand and the World Economy (TWE) as follows:


First, screening process: The editor-in-chief, in consultation with associate editors, decides whether to accept the submitted manuscript for the reviewing process. The manuscript can be rejected at this stage when the content of the manuscript does not suitably reflect the journal’s aims and scope and where plagiarism is uncovered. The screening process lasts about two weeks.


Second, peer reviewing process: The editor-in-chief, in consultation with associate editors, selects at least two reviewers to review the manuscript. The journal has adopted a double-blind reviewing policy whereby both the author(s) and referees remain anonymous throughout the process. The peer reviewing process lasts about two to three months. 


Third, notification process: Decisions from the reviewers are conveyed to the author(s). There are four categories of results: Accept, Accept with Minor Revisions, Accept with Major Revisions, Reject. The author(s) of an article who accept the conditions must revise the manuscript according to the comments and suggestions provided by reviewers. The author will be given around one to two month(s) to revise the manuscript. The author(s) must send back both the revised manuscript and responses to reviewer(s)’ comments. In the case of acceptance with major revisions, the revised article may be reviewed again by one or two reviewers upon the decision of the editorial team. 


Fourth, final decision: The editor-in-chief, in consultation with associate editors, finally decides whether to accept the revised manuscript. Only in the case of acceptance will a manuscript be passed on directly to complete the formatting and proof-reading processes.