


  • วราภรณ์ ปัญญาวดี Faculty Of Economics, Maejo University


The main objective of this study was to investigate the relevant factors that influence the adoption of chemical-safe technology in vegetable production in order to accelerate a shift to food-safety practices. The study was based on survey data on vegetable production in crop year 2005/06 of 300 farmers in Chiang Mai province. The results, using logistic regression analysis, showed that the factors affecting the increase in adoption of chemical-safe technology included farmer being in a group that had marketing function, being trained on chemical-safe technology, number of full-time household agricultural labor, age and education. The probability of adoption was likely to decrease with the area planted to vegetable and the need for hired labor. The promotion of chemical-safe agriculture should focus on marketing of chemical-safe products including reduction of revenue and price risks. Research and development of new alternative technology that could substitute current intensity uses of labor should be put on agenda. Training courses and other self-learning methods about negative consequences of the intensive uses of chemicals and how to apply food-safety production practices should be continuously implemented nationwide. On the consumer side, campaigns to promote demand for food-safety are needed in accelerating farmers’ adoption of chemical-safe practices.


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How to Cite

ปัญญาวดี ว. (2018). การขับเคลื่อนสู่วิถีเกษตรปลอดภัยจากสารพิษ: กรณีการปลูกพืชผัก1. Thailand and The World Economy, 26(1), 107–127. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TER/article/view/136437