Economic Assessment of Share Issue Privatization in Thailand


  • ภูรี สิรสุนทร Faculty of Economics, Thammasat University


Privatization, Public enterprise, Thailand


The purpose of this paper is to conduct the economic assessments of share issue privatization of Petroleum Authority of Thailand (PTT), Airports of Thailand (AOT) and Mass Communication Organization of Thailand (MCOT). The result shows that the partial privatization of PTT and AOT, the natural monopolists, brought a net fiscal loss. However the evidences support the rationale of financial and operating performance improvement for privatization, provided that PTT and AOT were partially privatized without any industry restructuring and establishment of regulatory body and framework. MCOT’s public share offering was conducted by random method, which is more transparent than methods employed by PTT and AOT. Owing to operating in competitive environment, after partial privatization MCOT financial performances were worsened. Evidently the partial privatization of these public enterprises was successful to deepen and broaden Thai capital market.


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How to Cite

สิรสุนทร ภ. (2018). Economic Assessment of Share Issue Privatization in Thailand. Thailand and The World Economy, 26(4), 33–81. Retrieved from