

  • ปราณี ทินกร Faculty of Economics, Thammasat University


The presumption in economics of utility (or happiness) maximization of a typical individual under the budget constraint provides a motivation for the author to review literature on the subject of economics and happiness. The author then offers an alternative approach for looking at the issue. Following the Bhuddist teaching which focuses on explaining human’s suffering or misery the author looks at the major economic problems for Thailand that cause misery which are poverty, inflation and unemployment. By using the data during 1983-2007, the study finds that economic growth seems to have contributed to reducing poverty and there appears to be a trade-off between inflation rate and unemployment rate as found in the estimated Phillips curve. The author offers several observations on the inflation targeting framework used by the Bank of Thailand since 2000 and cautions against the use of increase in interest rates to fight inflation regardless of its cause. By doing so, the monetary authority may cause a slowdown in economic activity and increase unemployment. This will likely cause more misery to Thai workers than inflation because Thailand does not have as good a system of welfare and social
security as in developed countries.


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How to Cite

ทินกร ป. (2018). เศรษฐศาสตร์ว่าด้วยความทุกข์. Thailand and The World Economy, 26(4), 103–178. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TER/article/view/136602