MNEs and the Global Integration of the Thai Clothing Industry

Policy Implications for SME Development


  • Archanun Kohpaiboon Faculty of Economics, Thammasat University


This paper aims to examine the export success of the Thai clothing industry with a view to formulating prudential policy for SME development. The key hypothesis concerns the contribution of MNEs. The methodology involves firm interviews, using ‘purposive sampling techniques in which contributors are chosen from information-rich cases for in-depth analysis related to the central issues under study. The key finding is that MNEs have played a pivotal role in the export success of Thai clothing industry through MNE buyer modes. Nevertheless, there are a number of small and medium clothing firms entered the clothing industry in the presence of the policy-induced incentives of the cascading tariff structure. These incentives are drying up as wage rates in Thailand continue to grow and there is the prevailing import threat of cheaper clothing from neighbours and China, in particular. This leads to the necessity of structural adjustment as a consequence of resource misallocation. Appropriate policy actions are needed to cushion costs incurred from the structural adjustment.


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How to Cite

Kohpaiboon, A. (2018). MNEs and the Global Integration of the Thai Clothing Industry: Policy Implications for SME Development. Thailand and The World Economy, 27(2), 35–76. Retrieved from