

  • ปรัชญา ปิ่นมณี Faculty of Business Administration, Siam university


According to Barro (1990), the optimal size of the government sector is the size that guarantees to the maximum rate of economic growth. Because Barro has ignored the existence of corruption, this paper extended the Barro growth model by adding two assumptions. Firstly, the government official corrupts according to the theorem of Two-State Markov Chains. Secondly, in this context, corruption is equivalent to providing the public services less than those indicated in the government budget. This extended model predicts that corruption does not affect the optimal size of the government sector. On the other hand, corruption leads to the reduction in the maximum rate of growth. The size of this negative impact is due to (1) the ability for creating the corruption networks (2) the corruptible ability of a government officer.


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How to Cite

ปิ่นมณี ป. (2018). คอร์รัปชั่นกับขนาดที่เหมาะสมที่สุดของรัฐบาล. Thailand and The World Economy, 27(3), 67–91. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TER/article/view/137296