Destination Image and International Tourist Behaviors under Thailand’s Political Crisis


  • อัครพงศ์ อั้นทอง Social Research Institute, Chiang Mai university
  • มิ่งสรรพ์ ขาวสอาด Public policy studies institution, Chiang mai university


destination image of Thai tourism, Thailand’s political crisis, structural equation model


The objective of this article is to study and test the causal relationships between the destination image and international tourist behaviors as well as destination loyalty of Thai tourism during the Thai political crises between October 2008 to May 2009. A Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used to analyze the data. The model consists of 19 observable variables, one external latent variable, destination image, and four internal latent variables, attribute satisfaction, perceived value, total satisfaction and destination loyalty. The results of
the study show that the constructed model is strong enough to be used to test the behaviors of international tourists under different circumstances. This is so because the differences in circumstances do not lead to changes in behavior at the overall structure level, but rather to changes within the behavioral structure of international tourists only. It was found that whatever crisis that has occurred in Thailand, the social atmosphere of “Thainess” remains the most important destination image of Thai tourism. However prices have been found to be increasingly important after the occurrence of the political crises. Changes in destination image due to political crises do have influence on international tourists’ satisfaction on individual tourism activities, though the impact on the overall satisfaction and destination loyalty has been found to fairly small. The impact of the political crises on destination image of Thai tourism is more of short term nature. Therefore, in the short run there is no necessity to urgently improve destination image, but rather to create confidence and restore the social atmosphere of Thainess.



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How to Cite

อั้นทอง อ., & ขาวสอาด ม. (2018). Destination Image and International Tourist Behaviors under Thailand’s Political Crisis. Thailand and The World Economy, 28(3), 55–98. Retrieved from