The proposed model for Thai Public-Private Partnerships for resolving multilateral trade dispute under the World Trade Organization (WTO)


  • บัณฑิต หลิมสกุล Devawongse Varopakarn institute of foreign affairs


The procedure for resolving multilateral trade disputes under the World Trade Organization (WTO) is vital for enforcing the international trade rules and therefore ensuring that trade will flow smoothly. It would make little sense to spend years negotiating detailed rules in international trade agreements if those rules could be ignored. Thus, an effective dispute settlement system is critical to the operation of the world trade. Moreover, effective multilateral dispute settlement will enhance participation of developing countries, which naturally have less bargaining power in negotiating disputed issues with developed partners. Accordingly, this research paper highly recommends Thailand to make use of WTO dispute settlement, instead of using bilateral negotiations as has been done in the past.


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How to Cite

หลิมสกุล บ. (2018). The proposed model for Thai Public-Private Partnerships for resolving multilateral trade dispute under the World Trade Organization (WTO). Thailand and The World Economy, 29(1), 1–47. retrieved from