An Analysis of Thailand’s Long-run Tourism Demand


  • อัครพงศ์ อั้นทอง Public policy studies institution, Chiang mai university, Thailand
  • มิ่งสรรพ์ ขาวสอาด Public policy studies institution, Chiang mai university, Thailand


This paper aims to estimate Thailand’s long-run tourism elasticity of demand by
applying dynamic ordinary least squares (DOLS) and long-run static model of time varying
parameter (TVP-LRM) is used to study the structural change of Thailand’s tourism demand
which may have been induced by the change in the exchange rate policy in 1997. The study
also analysis the difference demand elasticity between high and low tourist seasons, and the
difference in demand that developed from annual and monthly data during the same period are
compared. The results show that, there are a range of demand elasticity in each origin market.
However, the Thailand’s tourism is a luxury goods for the major markets and own price
elasticity is more than one, and lower than cross price elasticity. The change in the exchange
rate policy in 1997 caused changes in the structural tourism demand for most of the countries
except South Korea and U.S.A. Meanwhile, tourism seasonality and the use of higher
frequency data do not affect the size of the elasticity. This result reveals that price setting
strategy should be different in the different foreign tourist markets. Information about price
changes in other competitors need to be considered as the change in price of substitutes has more effect Thailand’s price. Moreover, the different price strategy in different tourism seasonality did not seen to be affective in create more tourism demand.


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How to Cite

อั้นทอง อ., & ขาวสอาด ม. (2018). An Analysis of Thailand’s Long-run Tourism Demand. Thailand and The World Economy, 29(2), 1–34. Retrieved from