Multinational Enterprises, Exporting and R&D Activities in the South


  • Juthathip Jongwanich Faculty of Economics, Thammasat University, Thailand
  • Archanun Kohpaiboon Faculty of Economics, Thammasat University, Thailand


Multinational Enterprises, Exporting and R&D activity


This paper examines the role of MNEs and exporting on R&D activities by using detailed data from Thai manufacturing.  Three types of R&D investment are considered here, namely R&D leading to improved production technology; R&D product development and R&D process innovation. The results show that most MNEs, except those in automotive and hard disk drive industries, use technology transmission, instead of technology generation, i.e. setting up R&D, in the host country. However, MNEs generate the positive spillovers to indigenous firms to invest more in R&Ds, especially in terms of product development and process innovation.  The results also show that exporting promote R&D product development, but not for the other two.


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How to Cite

Jongwanich, J., & Kohpaiboon, A. (2015). Multinational Enterprises, Exporting and R&D Activities in the South. Thailand and The World Economy, 33(2), 1–35. retrieved from