The Perspectives of Debt Dynamic and Fiscal Limit on Fiscal Sustainability in Thailand


  • Thitima Chucherd Bank of Thailand, Thailand
  • Sarawan Angklomkliew Bank of Thailand, Thailand
  • Panda Apaitan Bank of Thailand, Thailand


Fiscal sustainability, Public debt dynamic, Fiscal limit, Ageing Population, Fiscal Space, Fiscal crisis


This study assesses Thailand’s fiscal sustainability in two perspectives: debt dynamics and fiscal limits. Investigating ‘debt dynamics’ helps understand behaviors of fiscal policy that cause debt accumulation to project the future paths. ‘Fiscal limits’ can be used as a tool to examine the country’s maximum debt level based on economic fundamentals which the government is able and willing to service over the finite horizon. The study shows that Thailand has been facing a fiscal mismatch between its revenue and expenditure. After entering the aged society, healthcare costs and other aged-related spendings are expected to grow remarkably causing an exponential increase in the public debt to GDP ratio in the near future. The ratio tends to grow faster taking into account a lower potential economic growth under new environments of supply-side constraints and an interest ratenormalization. If the government makes a strong commitment to fiscal reforms, the adjustment could alleviate fiscal mismatch and provide sufficient policy space to withstand any unexpected shocks to the Thai economy and/or the financial system. Hence, fiscal reform efforts at the early stage could promote fiscal sustainability and lower probability of future fiscal crisis.


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How to Cite

Chucherd, T., Angklomkliew, S., & Apaitan, P. (2016). The Perspectives of Debt Dynamic and Fiscal Limit on Fiscal Sustainability in Thailand. Thailand and The World Economy, 34(1), 38–71. retrieved from