Labor Shortages in Thai Manufacturing: Demand vs Supply


  • Chayanee Chawanote Faculty of Economics, Thammasat University, Thailand
  • Naphon Phumma Faculty of Economics, Thammasat University, Thailand
  • Tiraphap Fakthong Faculty of Economics, Thammasat University, Thailand


Labor shortages, demand and supply, Thai manufacturing


The industrial sector of the Thai economy is now facing a problem of labor shortages. The problem of labor shortages in the Thai industrial sector could result from the demand side or supply side. On the demand side, employers are unable or unwilling to pay at certain wages, so they fail to attract workers to the industrial sectors. Meanwhile, on the supply side, workers prefer to work in the other sectors, especially the service sector, rather than the industrial sector. This study aims at understanding whether the problem of labor shortages in the Thai industrial sector is caused by the demand or the supply side by interviewing a group of workers who can compare works in the industrial sector with those in the other sector by located in the areas with high intensity in both industrial and service sectors. From the interviewed sample, this study discovers that the supply side is a main source of the problem, as most workers, especially young-aged workers, reveal that they prefer to work in the service sector. Furthermore, it is discovered that workers do not have obstacles to switch to the other sector, while the wages in the two sectors are not significantly different.


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How to Cite

Chawanote, C., Phumma, N., & Fakthong, T. (2016). Labor Shortages in Thai Manufacturing: Demand vs Supply. Thailand and The World Economy, 34(2), 53–71. Retrieved from