Monetary Policy Transmission in Emerging Asia: The Role of Banks and the Effects of Financial Globalization


  • Nasha Ananchotikul Bank of Thailand, Thailand
  • Dulani Seneviratne Western-Hmisphere, International Monetary Fund, United States


Monetary policy transmission, bank lending channel, financial globalization


Given the heavy reliance on bank lending as the main source of financing in most Asian economies, banks could potentially play a pivotal role in monetary policy transmission. However, we find that Asia’s bank lending channel or, more broadly, the credit channel of domestic monetary policy is not very strong at the aggregate level. Using bank-level data for nine Asian economies during 2000–2013, we show that the heterogeneity of  bank characteristics (e.g., ownership type, financial position), degree of foreign bank penetration of the domestic banking sector, and global financial conditions all have a bearing on the response of domestic credit to changes in domestic monetary policy, and may account for the apparently weak credit channel at the aggregate level.


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How to Cite

Ananchotikul, N., & Seneviratne , D. . (2018). Monetary Policy Transmission in Emerging Asia: The Role of Banks and the Effects of Financial Globalization. Thailand and The World Economy, 34(3), 1–34. Retrieved from