Two Decades of Thai Farmer’s Income Distribution


  • Arunrod Norkaewboon Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Kasetsart University, Thailand
  • Nuttapon Photchanaprasert Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Kasetsart University, Thailand


Income Distribution, Thai rice farmers and Agriculture’s economic growth


The income distribution of Thai farmers over the last two decades represents an interesting case study. This study employs the concept of “Pro-Poor Growth” using secondary data collected by the Office of Agricultural Economics in the periods 1995/96 and 2012/13. The results revealed that over this period the income of farmers as a whole rose. However, despite such growth income inequality among farmers worsened, with the exception of farmers in the irrigation area, small cultivated areas and central region. The agricultural economic growth experienced failed to provide tangible benefits to poor farmers at all. Rich farmers alone were able to take advantage. To ameliorate this problem, the government should invest in improving the infrastructure, especially irrigation systems, centralizing markets and educating farmers to maximize both their bargaining power and productivity.


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How to Cite

Norkaewboon, A., & Photchanaprasert, N. (2016). Two Decades of Thai Farmer’s Income Distribution. Thailand and The World Economy, 34(3), 35–49. Retrieved from