Corporate Governance Score and Signal on Dividend Policy in Lowering Agency Problem


  • Dararat Sukkaew Accounting Department, Faculty of Business Administration, Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin, Thailand


Corporate Governance Scoring, Signaling, Dividend Policy


This research focused on corporate governance scores and their signaling in relation to dividend payment policies in order to lower the incidence of agency problems. Panel data for the period 2009-2013 of listed companies in the SET, except those in the financial sector, was collected and analyzed using Ordered Probit models and Multivariate Probit models. The results indicated that corporate governance scores, free cash flow, previous dividend policy, profitability, firm size and leverage ratios were all significant factors in determining decisions concerning dividend payment policy. As a result, the findings confirmed that good corporate governance helped in reducing agency problems.


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How to Cite

Sukkaew, D. (2018). Corporate Governance Score and Signal on Dividend Policy in Lowering Agency Problem. Thailand and The World Economy, 36(1), 32–44. retrieved from