Firm Heterogeneity and Export Margins – Evidence from Firm-Transaction Matched Data


  • Chih-Hai Yang Department of Economics, National Central University, Taiwan
  • Meng-Wen Tsou Graduate Institute of Industrial Economics, National Central University, Taiwan
  • Ming-Huan Liou Science and Technology International Strategy Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
  • Shi-Shu Peng Department of Public Finance, National Chengchi University, Taiwan


Firm heterogeneity; Export margin; Productivity


This paper investigates what kinds of exporters perform better in extensive (varieties of products) and intensive (exports per product) margins. Using comprehensive within-firm-product panel data of China’s electronics industry, we find that firm productivity matters in both extensive and intensive margins of exports, which provides evidence to the emerging heterogeneous-firm trade theories. Moreover, we note that exporters’ financing ability is influential in the two aspects of performance. To deal with the problems of sample selection, the measures of products, and endogenous causality, we adopt various datasets and variable measurements to implement robustness checks and obtain consistent main findings.


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How to Cite

Yang, C.-H., Tsou, M.-W., Liou, M.-H., & Peng, S.-S. (2018). Firm Heterogeneity and Export Margins – Evidence from Firm-Transaction Matched Data. Thailand and The World Economy, 36(3), 66–89. retrieved from