Better Model Selection for Poverty Targeting through Machine Learning: A Case Study in Thailand


  • Pisacha Kambuya Division of Macroeconomic and Data Analysis, Fiscal Policy Research Institute Foundation, Thailand


Proxy Means Test, Poverty Targeting, Machine Learning, Variable Selection, LASSO, Random Forest


Proxy Means Test (PMT) is the method for targeting the poor who should obtain the benefit from social programs by estimating an income or expenditure with OLS method using the set of variables which are correlated with those welfare measurements because it is difficult to measure directly. However, the variable selection in OLS process would require the stepwise regression which is a time-consuming task when the set of variables is very large. Therefore, this study aims to propose the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) and Random Forest (RF) algorithms which are part of Machine Learning field to improve PMT model in terms of variable selection and model performance by focusing on the out-of-sample targeting accuracy of the poor household in Thailand. The data in this study comes from Thailand Social-economic survey (SES) in 2016. The results show that PMTs based on the selected variables from RF can reduce the number of actual poor households that are classified as the non-poor household (an exclusion error) and increase poverty accuracy rate (target poor household as poor accurately) in the national, urban and rural levels, however, the inclusion error is still high. For the performance of PMTs based on the selected variable from Stepwise regression and LASSO, are quite not different. In addition, PMTs with Stepwise regression and LASSO selected variables outperform RF selected variables in terms of reduction in an inclusion error. On the other hand, an exclusion error for PMTs based on RF selected variables is significantly one time less than PMTs using Stepwise regression and LASSO selected variables. Since there is a trade-off between the inclusion and exclusion errors, this study suggests that if the objective of the social welfare program is to help the truly poor, PMTs based on the variable selection of RF is more appropriate.    


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How to Cite

Kambuya, P. (2020). Better Model Selection for Poverty Targeting through Machine Learning: A Case Study in Thailand. Thailand and The World Economy, 38(1), 91–116. retrieved from