Income Differentials between Migrant and Non-Migrant Informal Workers: A Study of Urban Odisha


  • Suvendu Barik School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, India
  • Mirza Allim Baig Department of Economics, Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University), India


Regional Migration, Informal Employment, Income Differential


This paper attempts to find out the income differentials between the migrant and non-migrant informal workers, and the same is explored with respect to gender. For this purpose, the present study collects household level primary data from the slum dwellers followed by a multi-stage stratified sampling method. The methods of analysis of variance and binary logistic regression model are employed to analyze the data. The migration status, living in the category of land, gender, social groups, type of employment, and the general education level have emerged as the main reasons for income differentials among migrant  and non-migrant informal workers. The results show that the average income of migrants is higher than that of non-migrants, albeit the non-migrants enjoy relatively better living conditions, sanitary facilities, local unity, and job security than the migrants. Irrespective of the migration status, the study finds that there is a need for provisioning improvement in the area of basic facilities like health, education, and other social security in urban Odisha, India.


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How to Cite

Barik, S., & Baig, M. A. (2022). Income Differentials between Migrant and Non-Migrant Informal Workers: A Study of Urban Odisha. Thailand and The World Economy, 40(3), 15–32. retrieved from