Development and Validation of Positive Organizational Behaviour Scale: A Reflective Measurement Model


  • Puja Khatri University School of Management Studies, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, India
  • Sumedha Dutta Department of Business Administration, Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies, India.


Positive Psychology, Positive Organizational Behaviour, Psychological Understanding, Positive Life Orientation


Positive Psychology (PP) recently made rapid strides with scholars exploring its implication in numerous areas. The theoretical framework of our research rests on the Positive Organizational Behaviour (POB) approach of PP. Significant attention is paid to identifying positive psychological capacities satisfying the inclusion norms of POB; yet, a robust instrument to quantify an individual’s POB is absent. This lacuna inspired many researchers to construct a scale for measuring the POB capacity of professionals working in the Indian Information Technology Enabled Services (ITeS) sector. Using a 2x2x2 factorial design structure and a purposive stratified proportionate sampling technique, we carried out analysis in two phases. Phase 1 (n1=201) extracted core POB capacities using principal component analysis (PCA). In Phase 2 (n2=574), confirmatory analysis using Smart PLS3 was conducted for scale validation. Two pertinent POB capacities ,Positive Life Orientation (PLO) and Psychological Understanding (PU), were recognized through PCA (50.912 collective explanation and 0.769 as the overall reliability of the scale). Our analysis established POB as a reflective–reflective second-order construct.


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How to Cite

Khatri , P. ., & Dutta, S. . (2022). Development and Validation of Positive Organizational Behaviour Scale: A Reflective Measurement Model. Thailand and The World Economy, 40(3), 87–108. Retrieved from