The Link of Corporate Social Responsibility Communication towards Customer Value Co-creation: An Empirical Study in Banking Business Indonesia
Social Media Influencers, Customer Company Identification, CSR Communication, Customer Value Co-creationAbstract
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is integral to its strategy to promote long-term success and improve the community's well-being. It involves identifying and implementing strategies and procedures designed to promote ethical practices. The concept of CSR is crucial to a banking business's overall strategy to enhance its relationship with its customers. This study aims to analyze the impact of CSR on the interactions between social media influencers, customer value co-creation, and the banking industry in Indonesia. The study was conducted through quantitative research. The primary data was based on stratified sampling obtained through the 400 samples from Indonesia who have purchased and recognized CSR of the banking business. This study used a standardized questionnaire to evaluate our model generated from the works of literature. The statistics have applied confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model AMOS 28. CSR communication and each construct considerably affect banking business performance in exploring sustainability programs. Results revealed that social media influencers have a positive impact on CSR communication. Correspondingly, CSR communication has a positive impact on customer company identification. CSR communication has a positive impact on customer value co-creation. The paper comes up with the literature by confirming that consumers in Indonesia intend to sponsor the banking business CSR activities. Then, the increasing number of investigations related to CSR could help improve the banking industry's competitive advantage and financial performance.
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