Determinants of Organic Food Purchase: Evidence from Cosmopolitan Cities of India


  • Sonali Malewar Marketing Department, Sri Balaji University, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Souren Koner Royal School of Business, The Assam Royal Global University, Guwahati Assam, India
  • Tanushree Gupta School of Commerce and Management Studies, Sandip University, Nashik Maharashtra, India


Organic food, consumer, purchase intention, Self-Identity, Sensory appeal


This research paper aims to explore the important factors affecting the purchase intention of organic food in the cosmopolitan cities of India, with special reference to Delhi and Bangalore. The survey instrument questionnaire was created based on proven measures. Data were collected by using email and WhatsApp for the two cities considered for the study. The research structure is developed based on the extensive literature and reveals a structural relationship between constructs. Structural equation modeling is used to investigate the relationship between constructs. The conceptual model was developed and analyzed using five constructs and 22 attributes. Among these, the strongest factor was nutritional content, followed by convenience, consumer self-identity, and sensory appeal. The findings of this study have very important implications for all stakeholders of the organic food industry, in particular for the growers and the firms that intend to expand their arena in other cities of India.


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How to Cite

Malewar, S., Koner , S. ., & Gupta , T. . (2023). Determinants of Organic Food Purchase: Evidence from Cosmopolitan Cities of India. Thailand and The World Economy, 41(2), 1–19. Retrieved from