Barriers Perceived By Companies And Potential Solutions To Foster Green Innovation In Vietnam


  • Truong Thi Ngoc Thuyen Dalat University, Vietnam
  • Le Nhu Bich Dalat University, Vietnam


Green innovation, sustainable development, environmentally friendly , barriers


This study aims to identify barriers perceived by manufacturers and propose potential solutions to foster green innovation in Vietnam. A theoretical framework and the inductive case research method are used to analyze how companies in a less developed institutional context overcome barriers to green innovation. Results suggest that regulatory, technology, market, finance, costs, human resources, network, perception, and customer acceptance are significant barriers to green innovation by manufacturing companies in Vietnam. Through the analysis, the study also indicates companies’ potential solutions that will help elucidate the barriers to green innovation. Implications and future research developments for promoting green innovation in Vietnamese companies are suggested.


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How to Cite

Truong Thi Ngoc Thuyen, & Le Nhu Bich. (2024). Barriers Perceived By Companies And Potential Solutions To Foster Green Innovation In Vietnam. Thailand and The World Economy, 42(1), 91–109. retrieved from