Examine First Grade Students’ Strategies of Solving Open-ended Problems on Addition

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Naphaporn Woranetsudathip


The study aimed to examine the first Grade students’ strategies of solving open-ended problems on addition. Methodology regarded interpretive paradigm. Participants included 76 grade 1 students of the academic year 2019 in Khon Kaen University Demonstration Primary School, Khon Kaen, Thailand. The addition learning activities were organized through open approach which immersed in lesson study Professional Learning Community. The intervention of addition was provided to enhance students to learn various ways of solving open ended problems about addition. Data about students’ strategies of solving open ended problems was collected through participant observation, interview, lesson study reflection, and students’ tasks. Students’ strategies of solving open ended problems, then, was interpreted and categorized into groups. The findings revealed (1) students’ strategies of solving open ended problems on addition, and (2) suggested about student fundamental strategies of solving problem on addition. Students’ strategies of solving open ended problems on addition could be categorized into 6 strategies. These included 1) total counting, 2) counting, 3) making ten full, 4) separation option, 5) separation plus addition and 6) separation plus addition and separation. The reflection of lesson study suggested some fundamental strategies of solving problem on addition. These included 1) practicing about making ten full by using blocks and rail blocks, 2) practicing about using blocks and symbols, and 3) teachers’ providing of encourage questions to find other ways of addition.

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How to Cite
Woranetsudathip, N. . (2021). Examine First Grade Students’ Strategies of Solving Open-ended Problems on Addition. Asia Research Network Journal of Education, 1(1), 15–24. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/arnje/article/view/250020


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