Development of Problem-Solving Approach Lesson Plans in Geometry

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Gerald Bataluna
Joneil Medina
Joan Rose Luib
Virginia Sombilon
Elesar Malicoban


This article is the first of the two-part study of development and implementation of a problem-solving approach lesson plans in Geometry. In this article, the development and evaluation of two lessons utilizing problem approach each on Ratio and Proportion and the Proportional Segments and Basic Proportionality Theorem for Grade 9 is described. Starting from the mapping of competencies, the development of problems, anticipation student solutions and class discussions are detailed. The developed lessons are evaluated by four mathematics experts who are trained in teaching mathematics through problem solving and fourteen pre-service mathematics teachers using a scoring rubric. The scoring rubric emphasized both the technical aspects of the lesson plan and the instructional procedure that followed the problem-solving approach patterned from the teaching mathematics through problem-approach (TMPS). Several revisions were noted to improve the utility of the approach such as that of presenting the problem, multiple anticipated solutions, development of concept through discourse, and generalization. The evaluated lessons are noted to be ready for classroom implementation.

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How to Cite
Bataluna, G., Medina, J., Luib, J. R., Sombilon, V., & Malicoban, E. (2021). Development of Problem-Solving Approach Lesson Plans in Geometry. Asia Research Network Journal of Education, 1(3), 121–135. Retrieved from
Research Article


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