Enhancing Grade 11 Students’ Learning and Innovation Skills in the STS Electric Unit

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Mayura Suparee
Chokchai Yuenyong


The objective of this study is to investigate grade 11 students’ learning and innovation skills by using science technology society approach. The participants included 35 Grade 11 students, Chiangyuenpittayakhom School, Chiangyuen, Maha Sarakham Province. The STS electric unit was developed by aligned Thailand content standards of electric and electric power regarding on Yuenyong (2006)’s science technology society approach. Methodology regarded interpretive paradigm. Students’ learning and innovation skills were examined when students studied in the STS electric unit. The tools of interpretation included the learning and innovation skills assessment forms (LISA) and the unstructured interview. Data analysis students’ tasks were evaluated and categorized by LISA forms. Then, participant observation, student work sheets and unstructured interview interpretation supported what researchers’ understanding of student learning and innovation skills. The students’ learning and innovation skills were clarified as three aspects with 9 indicators. These included 1) critical thinking and problem solving with 4 indicators, 2) communication and collaboration with 2 indicators, and 3) creativity and innovation with 3 indicators. The findings revealed that there were different levels of students’ competency on learning and innovation skills of the 21st century. Two groups of students’ prototypes (circuit breaker and control breaker) could be interpreted as very good level of students’ competency on learning and innovation skills of the 21st century. Students, who developed prototypes of safe electric wire, could be interpreted as level of good. Other two groups of students, who developed prototypes of electric wire protection and guideline poster for short circuit prevention, could be interpreted as level of fair. The paper also highlights what students developed prototypes of their groups as a solution.

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How to Cite
Suparee, M., & Yuenyong, C. (2021). Enhancing Grade 11 Students’ Learning and Innovation Skills in the STS Electric Unit. Asia Research Network Journal of Education, 1(2), 96–113. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/arnje/article/view/253809


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