Project R.A.D.I.O. Modular Distance Learning in Mathematics: The Case of Linanot Elementary School

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April Pristine Bermejo
Micha Gabule
Lovely Valmoria
Joy Magsayo


In today’s learning paradigm, hinterland schools transitioned from face-to-face instruction to modular distance learning (MDL) modality. Upon the implementation of MDL in Linanot Elementary School, one of the most prevalent concerns that arise is the learners’ low-level performance in Mathematics, specifically their conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills. This article sought the contribution of two-way radio instruction in the performance of Grade Two learners in school year 2020-2021, employing descriptive design with quantitative and qualitative support. Results revealed that learners' performance in Mathematics increased and improved after the conduct of two-way radio instruction, explicitly describing their experiences as ‘more guided’ and ‘interactive’ even without meeting face-to-face. However, some of the learners likewise encountered challenges in the technical aspects due to their first-time experience in using the radio. Based on the findings, Project R.A.D.I.O (Radio Assisted Delivery on Improving Instructional Outcomes) is formulated, embedding two-way radio instruction in the instructional design.

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How to Cite
Bermejo, A. P., Gabule, M., Valmoria, L., & Magsayo, J. (2022). Project R.A.D.I.O. Modular Distance Learning in Mathematics: The Case of Linanot Elementary School. Asia Research Network Journal of Education, 2(3), 135–148. Retrieved from
Research Article


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