Students Perception of the Implementation of Online Teaching and Learning
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This study aimed to investigate the student's perception of online teaching and learning implementation on the selected DTTE students at College of Education, MSU-IIT, Iligan City. It utilized descriptive research design. In order to have the essential information needed in this study, a questionnaire, divided into five (5) parts, was adopted and modified that would determine the students' profile, online readiness in terms of availability essentials for online learning, digital literacy, accessibility of online learning platforms and ability of students for using online learning, and the perception of the students towards online learning and the difficulty faced in online learning. The Online Readiness of the respondents in terms of the Availability Essentials for Online Learning, Digital Literacy, Accessibility of Online Learning Platforms, Ability of Students for Using Online Learning was Good by the students of the Department of Technology Teacher Education (DTTE) students. On the other hand, Students' Perception of Online Learning was also Good. The result of the correlation between the Sex of the respondents is not significantly related to the Online Readiness, while Age and Parent's Monthly Income are significantly related to Online Readiness. On the other hand, Sex and Age are significantly related to Students' Perception of Online Learning. At the same time, a Parent's Monthly Income is not significantly related to Students' Perception of Online Learning. It is recommended that teachers use Online Teaching and Learning appropriately and wisely to enhance the teaching-learning processes for the students.
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