Developing the Smog Problem in Indonesia STEM Education Learning Activity

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Anggiyani Ratnaningtyas Eka Nugraheni
Chokchai Yuenyong


The paper will clarify the learning activities which provide through Sutaphan and Yuenyong (2019) context based STEM education learning approach. This learning approach consists of 7 stages including (1) Identification of social issues, (2) Identification of potential solution, (3) Need for knowledge, (4) Decision-making, (5) Development of prototype or product, (6) Test and evaluation of the solution, and (7) Socialization and completion decision stage. This learning activity will generate students to practice integrated knowledge among chemistry, biology, mathematics, art, and economics in order to design their products of air purifier as one of the ways to deal with smog problem in Indonesia. This learning activity may have implication for organizing STEM education in school setting.

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How to Cite
Nugraheni, A. R. E. ., & Yuenyong, C. (2022). Developing the Smog Problem in Indonesia STEM Education Learning Activity. Asia Research Network Journal of Education, 2(3), 127–134. Retrieved from


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