Enhancing Grade 10 Students’ Problem Solving Ability in Basic Knowledge on Analytical Geometry Flipped Classroom

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Ketsaraporn Suanse
Chokchai Yuenyong


The paper aimed to examine Grade 10 students’ problem solving in basic knowledge on analytical geometry through the analytic geometry flipped classroom. The participants included 36 Grade 10 students who were studying in geometry flipped classroom at Khon Kaen University Demonstration School in academic year of 2019. Methodology regarded mixed methods. The intervention provided two weeks of the basic knowledge on analytical geometry flipped classroom that was one of three sub-unit of the analytic geometry flipped classroom. Students’ problem solving in basic knowledge on analytical geometry was collected when they performed on three tasks of the PBAG. The PBAG students’ responses were analyzed based the problem-solving scoring rubric that adapted from Charles et.al. (1987). The finding revealed that majority of students held excellent level of holistic assessment for problem solving on analytic geometry. Most of students held the excellent problem-solving ability for three tasks. These included 1) finding the distance between two points and find the center of segment line, 2) finding the area of the given polygon, and finding the distance between two points and find the center of segment line, and 3) finding the midpoint, the projection of the set point, distance between two points and center the segment line.

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How to Cite
Suanse, K. ., & Yuenyong, C. (2023). Enhancing Grade 10 Students’ Problem Solving Ability in Basic Knowledge on Analytical Geometry Flipped Classroom. Asia Research Network Journal of Education, 3(1), 13–24. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/arnje/article/view/264864
Research Article


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