Assessment of the Reading Strategies in the Philippine Basic Education

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Angeline Dinoro
J-roel Semilla
Giselle Dangdang
Ma. Faye Fajardo
Evedanie Beldad
Evelyn Dominguez
Ciedelle Grageda
Juliet Tero


Reading is a mother skill from which all other higher-order skills come. As such it is of primary importance that when students go to high school and college, they have acquired the needed reading competencies that will help them become independent readers. Currently, the poor performance of basic education students in national reading assessment exams in the Philippines has caused concern for the reading ability of students in the lower grades. The present study examined the reading strategies implemented in the public schools of Iligan City and Lanao del Norte in terms of how teachers perceived it and based on the performance of students in the Philippine – Informal Reading Inventory (PHIL-IRI) for the last three years of the school year 2017-2020. Teachers from Iligan City and Lanao del Norte participated in the study and completed an online questionnaire. Their responses indicated that students have mastered alphabet skills but the least mastered were comprehension skills. It was also found that the teachers employed pre-reading activities as a strategy in reading instruction and teachers in Iligan City used the guided-reading approach more while those in Lanao del Norte favored the phonics approach. They also reported that students face several difficulties in reading ranging from alphabetic, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension skills. The PHIL-IRI results of students in Iligan City demonstrated that the reading strategies and activities were effective in improving the reading performance of students as evidenced from their pre-test to post-test scores.

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How to Cite
Dinoro, A., Semilla, J.- roel, Dangdang, G., Fajardo, M. F. ., Beldad, E., Dominguez, E., Grageda, C., & Tero, J. (2023). Assessment of the Reading Strategies in the Philippine Basic Education. Asia Research Network Journal of Education, 3(2), 59–73. Retrieved from
Research Article


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