An Assessment of Alternative Learning System (ALS) in the Philippine Rural Areas

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Shiela Wayas
Angeline Dinoro


This study aimed to determine the challenges encountered and the coping strategies of the students of Alternative Learning System (ALS) in North II District of Iligan City. This is a qualitative research design which made use of guided open-ended questionnaire looking into the respondents’ perspectives that identified their feelings, emotions and opinions about the study. The study identified six major areas in analyzing the challenges encountered by the Alternative Learning System (ALS) Learners: Answering the Learning Activity Sheets, Reading Comprehension, Allotment of time, Financial matters, Family matters and Personal matters.  The researcher found out that among the 6 learning strands, the respondents had difficulty in answering the Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) in English, Science and Mathematics. One significant challenges encountered by the respondents was in reading comprehension. It was found out that majority of the respondents were still struggling in comprehending English words. Since the LAS in Science and Mathematics were in English it followed that the respondents were also performing poorly in these subjects.In addition, the researcher found out that there were no specific policies that address the challenges encountered by the learners in Alternative Learning System (ALS). This implies that there is an urgent need to address these challenges encountered by these learners .Our basic educational system must  provide assurance for  quality education especially to the out of school youth and adults.

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How to Cite
Wayas, S., & Dinoro, A. (2023). An Assessment of Alternative Learning System (ALS) in the Philippine Rural Areas. Asia Research Network Journal of Education, 3(2), 74–97. Retrieved from
Research Article


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