Mastery Level of the Biology Tenth Graders: Basis for Remedial Instruction

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Edna Nabua


This study aimed to determine the mastery level in different Biology competencies of tenth graders in one of the public high schools in Misamis Oriental, Mindanao, Philippines, and to determine the competencies not mastered, least mastered, nearly mastered, and mastered to serve as the basis for remedial instruction. Grade 10 learners were purposively sampled. Across all grade levels, there was a lack of mastery in biology competencies. The overall mean percentage score of 56.05 (least mastered) indicates difficulty in meeting the desired outcomes. The obtained score indicates a lack of mastery in the following general topics: animal and plant parts and functions, heredity, biodiversity and evolution, and ecosystem. When grouped according to gender, male and female students do not differ significantly in their mastery level. This finding could imply that biology topics are equally difficult for male and female students. Based on the results, it can be deduced that there was a lack of mastery in biology competencies indicating difficulty in meeting the desired mastery level set by the Department of Education. The Grade 10 and Grade 7 biology competencies in the K to 12 science curriculum most essential learning competencies gained the lowest mastery. Students' prior knowledge of the subject is relatively poor. The best score, and that non-mastery and low mastery of students from the previous grade level resulted in no mastery to low mastery in the succeeding year levels, which was exacerbated during the pandemic when there is limited face-to-face interaction and modular learning is the mode of instructional delivery. Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the researcher suggests developing contextualized learning modules and strategic intervention materials that can be used for remediation.

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How to Cite
Nabua, E., & Cantere, G. (2024). Mastery Level of the Biology Tenth Graders: Basis for Remedial Instruction. Asia Research Network Journal of Education, 4(1), 50–61. retrieved from


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