Integrating Indigenous Practices in Chemistry Instructional Material for a Culturally Responsive STEM Curriculum
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Integration of STEM approach and cultural practices and preference of students will work as a means of contextual learning that helps non-IP teachers connect to students and; achieve cultural responsiveness and instructional congruency to avoid students being challenged in their own cultural ways of knowing. The major aspiration of this study is to construct a proposed Chemistry instructional material integrating indigenous practices of the Subanens for a culturally responsive STEM curriculum for Grade 10 learners. Structured interview schedule and observation were used in obtaining the data which are necessary as inputs to the proposed instructional material. Results showed that IP learners and teachers put forward to integrating culturally responsive teaching for three reasons (1) cultural preservation because Subanen practices and language are getting lost, (2) strengthen cultural identity that is to prevent young people from feeling of being discriminated, (3) better teaching-learning experience for teachers to choose strategies that are suitable and relatable to student’s experiences that are mostly relevant to their culture. Meanwhile, attending to their water practices it was found out that residents sourced-out water from “Bhuwal” a subanen term for spring through the use of bamboo water drain called “Sheluyong”. Water source, accessibility, availability, river activities, sanitation, quality and health relation as part of water practices were the domains of investigation. Succeeding to the perusal is the development of the proposed instructional materials, the first version (v1) of the lesson was validated by experts. Considering their comments and suggestions, a second version (v2) was crafted having achieved a rating from experts of 3.70 out of 4.0 points and a content validity coefficient of 0.90 out of 1.0 which is an indicative of a very good, valid instructional material and recommended for utilization.
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