Learning Gap Analysis: The Case of Academic Track Senior High School Students in Misamis Oriental, Philippines

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Kyle Trizia Canillo
Kristine Jeen Jumanog
Leemarc Alia


This study aimed to explore the significant relationship between learning gaps and students' academic performance, focusing on observations made by teachers among students under the academic track. Data were collected through interviews with forty-one responses out of eighteen teachers, encompassed observed learning gaps, factors influencing these gaps, student academic performance (average grade), and interventions. Predominantly, knowledge-related gaps constituted 70.73%, motivational gaps at 29.27%, skills gaps at 34.15%, communication gaps at 12.20%, and environmental gaps at 7.32%. The primary factor contributing to learning gaps, identified by 48.78% of respondents, was a “lack of focus”, while 43.90% cited a “lack of motivation”. Prominent concerns affecting students included family issues (26.83%), frequent class absences (17.07%), learning disabilities (14.63%), antisocial behavior (14.63%), low family income (12.20%), and stress (7.32%). Teacher attitude/personality and the sudden shift to virtual learning due to the pandemic accounted for 4.88% each. Despite existing learning gaps, none of the sampled students scored "74 and below," suggesting an absence of severe underperformance. The most prevalent performance category was "80-84 (Satisfactory)," encompassing 78.05% of respondents. With a Chi-Square value of 20.945 (p = 0.007, below the 0.05 threshold), a statistically significant correlation between learning gaps and academic achievement emerged, resulting in the rejection of the null hypothesis. Furthermore, the integrated intervention framework, incorporating various strategies, aims to comprehensively address learning gaps and foster a student-centric approach in closing these gaps.

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How to Cite
Canillo, K. T. ., Jumanog, K. J., & Alia, L. (2024). Learning Gap Analysis: The Case of Academic Track Senior High School Students in Misamis Oriental, Philippines. Asia Research Network Journal of Education, 4(2), 70–85. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/arnje/article/view/274365


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