Developing STEM Education Learning Activities for Thai Kindergarten School Students

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Mantana Kongpa
Arunothai Koonphatee
Porntipa Thongsook


This paper aimed to clarify the developing STEM education learning activities for kindergarten school students (4-5 years old). In order to visualize how to provide STEM learning activities for kindergarten school students, the unit of how we can build Khon Kaen Central Plaza shopping center will be clarified. Then, the developing STEM education unit will be clarified through the 7 steps of Sutaphan and Yuenyong (2019) STEM pedagogy. These steps include (1) Identification of social issues, (2) Identification of potential solution, (3) Need for knowledge, (4) Decision-making, (5) Development of prototype or product, (6) Test and evaluation of the solution, and (7) Socialization and completion decision stage. The paper will clarify details of what and how to organize kindergarten school student learning activities regarding on 7 steps of STEM pedagogy. Based on the local issue, the learning activities may allow students to practice from everyday life and careers as what they play or find the way of construction. On the way of their playing, they will learn not only science, technology, engineering and mathematics but also language, art and music. Students also will be enhanced to gain their communication, analytical thinking, social, technological, mathematical and scientific skills.

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How to Cite
Kongpa, M. . ., Koonphatee, A. . ., & Thongsook, P. . . (2024). Developing STEM Education Learning Activities for Thai Kindergarten School Students. Asia Research Network Journal of Education, 4(2), 62–69. Retrieved from


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