Parichart Journal kindly invites those interested to submit manuscripts to be published in the journal of Year 34, Issue 2 (May-August, 2021) in order to disseminate research and academic articles on art, humanities, social sciences, business management, management, and accounting of personnel and researchers at Thaksin Universities and also those of other institutes or organizations. The payment can be made through the following bank account.

Krungthai Bank

Bank Account Name: Parichart Journal

Bank Account Number:  678-4-59224-7 (Pa Phayom Tesco Lotus Branch)

A payment receipt or proof of payment can be sent to The author can also contact the journal management office at 0-7460-9600 ext. 7254 or 08-1540-7304

Payment fee

2,000 Baht per manuscript

(The payment should be processed prior to the peer-review process)