Niras Sita: Plaintive Customs of the Theories Sanskrit Literature

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Parmita Nissa


          This article aims to study about the Plaintive Customs of the theories
Sanskrit literature of Niras Sita which is part of Niras Khamchan, the literature
in The Ayathaya period. The previous study found the content of Niras
Sita to be part of the Ramayana which has been influenced from The
Indian Tale of Rama. The Ramayana in Thailand derived from India directly
and from other Kingdoms in the vicinity of Thailand prior to the
establishment of the Kingdom. Nirat Sita was not very well-known at that
time. Nirat Sita used similar language with Kab Mahajataka which is the
literature in the period of King Songdhama era. It was assumed Nirat Sita
was written before Jindamanee. The content of Nirat Sita mentions the
separate of Rama from Sita. This study shows the Plaintive Customs of
the theoretical Sanskrit literature Theories of Niras Sita in 7 steps; Abhilasa, Cintā, Samaruti, Gunakathana, Udvaga, vayādhi and Jadhatā. but 3 steps
have not been; Samapralapa, Unmāda and Marueti.

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How to Cite
Nissa, P. (2018). Niras Sita: Plaintive Customs of the Theories Sanskrit Literature. Parichart Journal, 31(2), 1–16. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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