The Factors Influencing Krung Thai Bank Service in Sakon Nakhon Province for Building Strong Relationships in Bank Service

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Walailuk Porkpermdee
Jakret Mettathamrong
Phetphrairin Upping
Charinee Chaichana


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the factors of marketing mix, service quality, consumer behavior that affected customer satisfaction towards Krung Thai Bank services in Sakon Nakhon Province and 2) to study the direct and indirect effects that influence the customer satisfaction towards Krung Thai Bank services in Sakon Nakhon Province. The sample group was 400 customers in 8 branches who had Krung Thai Bank accounts in Sakon Nakhon Province. The instrument was a questionnaire, and the data analysis employed the PLS-SEM method that was used to measure the relationship among the The objectives of this research were 1) to study the factors of marketing mix, service quality, consumer behavior that affected customer satisfaction towards Krung Thai Bank services in Sakon Nakhon Province and 2) to study the direct and indirect effects that influence the customer satisfaction towards Krung Thai Bank services in Sakon Nakhon Province. The sample group was 400 customers in 8 branches who had Krung Thai Bank accounts in Sakon Nakhon Province. The instrument was a questionnaire, and the data analysis employed the PLS-SEM method that was used to measure the relationship among the 

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How to Cite
Porkpermdee, W. ., Mettathamrong, J., Upping, P. ., & Chaichana, C. . (2023). The Factors Influencing Krung Thai Bank Service in Sakon Nakhon Province for Building Strong Relationships in Bank Service. Parichart Journal, 36(1), 74–90.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Jakret Mettathamrong, Faculty of Industry and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan Sakonakhon Campus

Conference ทั้งในและต่างประเทศ

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