Citizenship and Community Democracy: The Analysis of Factors and Causal relations
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The research aimed to analyze confirmatory factors of citizenship and community democracy and also explain their causal relations. 8,800 nationwide individual samples from Thai village dwellers in 76 provinces, excluding Bangkok Metropolis, were selected through multistage sampling method, classified into regions, provinces, districts, sub-districts, and villages, respectively. Data collected by reliability-tested questionnaire were analyzed via confirmatory factor analysis and multiple regression method. The findings through second order confirmatory factor analysis revealed that empirical data gathered from samples on citizenship and community democracy are consistent with their theoretic components. Additionally, multiple regression results at 0.05 significance level exposed that factors of citizenship that have the greatest influence on both community democracy and its elements are personally responsible citizens, followed by justice-oriented citizen, public consciousness, participatory citizen, respected morality, wisdom, and rule of law, respectively.
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