Structural Equation Model Development of Factors Affecting Users’ Participation in News Reporting on Thai Crowdsourcing Platforms
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The research is aimed to develop a structural equation model of factors affecting users’ participation in news reporting on Thai crowdsourcing platforms. The model 7 latent variables: personal motivation, perceived benefits, perceived ease of usage, interaction between a process/content manager or crowdsourcer and users, organizational factors, determination to participate, and users’ participation. Quantitative research was conducted by survey questionnaires with 100 samples who were members of C-Site and Hatyai City Climate Platforms. The findings showed that the developed structural equation model was congruent with the empirical data by having 7 pass the determined statistical criteria, namely 1) Chi-Square: = .170 (> or = 0.05), 2)
/df = 1.122 (< or = 3.00), 3) Comparative Fit Index (CFI) = .988 (> or = 0.95), 4) Tucker Lewis Index (TLI) = .984 (> or = 0.95), 5) Root Mean Square Residual (RMR) = .028 (< 0.05), and 6) Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) = .035 (< 0.05). From the analysis of direct, indirect, and total effect of variables in the structural model, it is found that the causal model of users’ participation in news reporting on Thai crowdsourcing platforms, developed by the researcher, is congruent with the empirical data, and only one causal variable, namely intention to participate, has a positive direct effect on users’ participation in news reporting at a statistical significance level of 0.01.
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